Show Society
The Rylstone-Kandos Show Society Inc. has been associated with the Agriculture Show Society since 1937, making it a ripe old 82 years young. Whilst this represents our maturity to a formal show, the roots of the Rylstone-Kandos Show extend back to 1892 where a two-day informal show was held near the current location of the Rylstone tennis courts. The show provided an opportunity for the community meet, celebrate, trade and promote the amazing produce of our region.
Whilst important to the local community, the show also represented a destination of choice for people looking to experience our region. For many years the rail line conveyed visitors on the ‘Red Rattler’ train to Rylstone where they would make the walk to the Showgrounds from the Train Station, located on the eastern side of Rylstone, to celebrate our show.
Whilst maintaining a rich history, the Rylstone-Kandos Show continues to evolve. Braving adversity, tragedies and hardship to provide a highlight on the Country Show circuit and continue the principles that were established over 125 years ago where the community could meet and celebrate the excellence in our society.
This 5-Year strategy is a Road-map for Rylstone-Kandos Show Society to continue this tradition whilst maintaining an eye to the